September 2022
NAPLAN is moving from May to March
Did you know NAPLAN is moving to Term 1 from 2023?
The new NAPLAN testing window for 2023 is from 15-27 March.
This means the results will be in the hands of education authorities and school systems earlier in the year to inform teaching and learning programs throughout the rest of the school year.
It will also give teachers more time to better assess what support students need for the coming year.
Check out the NAPLAN key dates for next year and beyond so you can start preparing.

Teachers - please give us your feedback on our new Australian Curriculum website
ACARA published the new Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website in May.
Teachers were involved in the development of the website and their feedback helped to shape the final product.
Now we want to hear what teachers think of our new online curriculum.
If you are a teacher, please take our survey to give us your feedback on the website and highlight what you’d find useful in the future. The survey will take about 30-45 minutes to complete.
Teacher feedback is invaluable to us so that we can continue to develop the site and provide the best online experience possible.
Take the survey now.

New videos: Digital Technologies learning area
Having a security mindset when you are using digital systems is an essential skill for everyone to develop in today’s world.
We have included new content specifically on privacy and security in the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0.
In this video, Kim Vernon, our Curriculum Specialist, Technologies and the curriculum writers explain how these twin concepts are threaded through the new curriculum and encourage teachers to take the time to understand what their students now need to know.
Watch the video

Parents and carers - please give us your feedback on NAPLAN

ACARA in the News
The Weekend Australian recently published an opinion piece by ACARA CEO, David de Carvalho, on the importance of students acquiring both knowledge and skills in their studies.
“Education is a hotly debated area. This is as it should be – what could be more important to the future of our community and country than the high-quality education of our children? The downside is that the very debate itself sometimes becomes needlessly polarised and not focused on progressing towards meaningful change.”
Read more

ACSSO National Conference November 2022
Registrations are now open for The Australian Council of State School Organisations (ACSSO) National Conference to be held on November 5 & 6 at The Vibe Hotel, Canberra. This conference will also be live streamed for those who are unable to make it to Canberra.
The 2022 ACSSO conference will focus on Family Engagement and provide participants with the Why, What and How for engaging families with school and working in partnership to improve student outcomes.
Find out more
The inaugural Susan Ryan Family Engagement Award for all government school communities will be presented at the ACSSO Conference.
Applications for the award close on 30 September.
Find out more