November 2022
NAPLAN National Report 2022 released
On Monday 31 October, we released the 2022 NAPLAN National Report, with results mostly stable at a national level from 2021 to 2022, apart from a decline in Year 5 numeracy and Year 9 spelling.
“Overall, for a second year in a row, the national level results have defied predictions of drastic falls in performance related to COVID,” ACARA CEO David de Carvalho said.
When looking at average scores, most long-term trends since 2008 either show steady progress, particularly in primary years, or are stable. The exception is Year 9 spelling, where increases in the early years of NAPLAN are reversing.
Read our media release
This year, we have also released the full NAPLAN National Report 2022 on our interactive data portal.
Take a tour of the portal and let us know what you think by completing our short user survey.

Teachers - please give us your feedback on our new Australian Curriculum website
ACARA published the new Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website in May.
Teachers were involved in the development of the website and their feedback helped to shape the final product.
Now we want to hear what teachers think of our new online curriculum.
If you are a teacher, please take our survey to give us your feedback on the website and highlight what you’d find useful in the future. The survey will take about 30-45 minutes to complete.
Teacher feedback is invaluable to us so that we can continue to develop the site and provide the best online experience possible.
Take the survey now.

New Digital Technologies video: Collaborating and managing
Digital Technologies is the foundational subject for the Digital Literacy capability.
Our revisions to the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0 strengthen this connection by focusing on the use of digital tools to support creating, locating and communicating information.
In this video, Kim Vernon our Curriculum Specialist, Technologies and the curriculum writers, explain the importance of using these digital tools progressively from the early years through to year 10 so that students learn the essential digital literacy skills they need across the learning areas and develop sophisticated communications and collaboration skills in the process.
Watch the video

New Digital Technologies video: User stories
Introducing the concept of user stories as a way of defining problems and identifying solutions is a key change to the Digital Technologies subject in the Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0.
In this video, Kim Vernon our Curriculum Specialist, Technologies, and the curriculum writers, explain the concept of user stories and how it simplifies and improves the new curriculum. It’s more authentic, easier to teach and reflects what’s happening in the IT industry today.
Watch the video

Disaster Talks: introducing a new podcast series for educators
UNICEF Australia and ANU’s Australian Child and Adolescent Trauma, Loss and Grief Network have released a podcast series for school leaders and educators across Australia, focussing on planning for – and responding to – disasters such as bushfires and flooding.
In interviewing educators who have experienced disasters first-hand, the ‘Disaster Talks’ podcasts are designed to help the education community learn from the stories of their peers, and how best to support their community through a current or future disaster event.
Find out more
Listen to the Disaster Talks podcasts