June 2022
Australian Curriculum – endorsed and new website released
A decluttered Australian Curriculum that sets high expectations and standards for what all students should know and be able to do, and that supports deeper conceptual understanding and improvement in educational performance, was endorsed by education ministers in April.
ACARA CEO, David de Carvalho, said the new curriculum is "a more stripped-back and teachable curriculum that identifies the essential content our children should learn. Together with new resources designed to support our teachers, it is expected the Australian Curriculum will lead to improved student outcomes.”
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New Australian Curriculum website with improved functionality
The new Australian Curriculum Version 9.0 website, which houses the updated curriculum, has now gone live.
The new website is one of the few digitalised curriculums in the world and has a range of features to help teachers view, explore and plan.
The new website has been designed with teachers for teachers, and teachers from across Australia have been involved in user experience testing.
One deputy principal from Toowoomba, Qld told us:
“Well done on the new website. It presents really simply and is easy to navigate. The functionality in it is also great.
I’m loving having the Achievement Standard directly linked to content descriptions, related content linked, being able to have multiple Learning Areas visible and the filters available on them.”
Read more about the website
Visit the new website
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Consultation opens for Australian Curriculum: Languages
Proposed revisions to the Australian Curriculum: Languages (German, Indonesian, Korean, Modern Greek and Spanish) for Foundation – Year 10 (F–10) have now been released for public comment.
The Review of the Australian Curriculum commenced in 2020–2021 and resulted in the April 2022 endorsement of the Australian Curriculum, Version 9.0, which was released on the new website.
The Review’s terms of reference provided for the Languages curricula to be reviewed and endorsed in phases, with the languages French, Japanese, Chinese and Italian already reviewed and endorsed as part of the first phase of the Australian Curriculum Review.
The remaining 12 languages of the Australian Curriculum are to be finalised by the end of 2023, with public consultation now open for 10 weeks on German, Indonesian, Korean, Modern Greek and Spanish.
Public feedback is sought via the consultation website from 31 May to 9 August 2022.
Give your feedback

NAPLAN testing concludes for 2022
NAPLAN has wrapped up for 2022 with a record 4.3 million tests successfully submitted by more than 1.2 million students in 9,315 campuses and schools across Australia.
This year marks the final year of transition to online testing, with all schools across Australia now participating in NAPLAN online.
By the end of the testing window, we hit a milestone of more than 4 million online tests completed.
NAPLAN is entering a new era, with 2022 being the first year all schools took the test online and the last year that the test would take place in May.
Earlier this year, education ministers announced NAPLAN will move from May to March from 2023, so results will be available to education authorities earlier in the year to inform school and system teaching and learning programs.
Read more about those changes

Release of the National Report on Schooling in Australia 2020 and data portal
The National Report on Schooling in Australia for 2020 was released in April, along with new 2021 data on schooling on the interactive National Report on Schooling Data Portal .
The report release coincided with updated statistics on the data portal.
“The pandemic clearly had an impact on a number of key performance indicators for schooling; however, it’s pleasing that the data indicates the education sector responded well,” ACARA CEO, David de Carvalho, said.
“Participation rates of young people in education or work recovered in 2021 from 2020 falls, with a spike particularly in the proportion of 15¬–19-year-olds engaged in education, training or work.
“Student enrolment and staffing numbers are also encouraging, as is an increase in the total enrolments at all levels of teacher training for 2020.”
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Explore AITSL’s standards
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards) have helped educators understand and develop their teaching practice and expertise across 4 career stages, for more than 10 years.
Approximately 650,000 teachers, leaders, and pre-service teachers visit the Standards section of the AITSL website each year.
AITSL’s new section makes it easier than ever to unpack and explore the Standards and access their free resources.
The new content and features are all based on feedback and research AITSL have undertaken with educators. The Standards themselves have not changed.
Visit the standards