July 2021
Australian Curriculum Review Consultation closing today
Have you had your say on the Review of the Australian Curriculum? The public consultation window ends today, and we'd like your feedback on what you like and what you think could be improved so we can continue to shape a world-class curriculum.
Visit the public consultation website

Cross-Curriculum Priorities in the Australian Curriculum Review
During the public consultation on the Australian Curriculum Review, Australians have had a once-in-six-years opportunity to contribute their feedback and shape a revised Australian Curriculum. There has been considerable public engagement and discussion, as there should be, and all feedback will contribute to amendments to the final revised curriculum.
However, there have been some inaccuracies and misunderstandings in the debate regarding the cross-curriculum priorities (Sustainability, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures) and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures cross-curriculum priority in particular, which plays a key role in addressing two important objectives of the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration.
Read more to understand cross-curriculum priorities in the Australian Curriculum.

ACARA CEO chats about the Australian Curriculum Review
ACARA CEO David de Carvalho recently took a trip down memory lane when he visited his old primary school. While he was there, one of the students put him to the test and asked Mr de Carvalho some questions on the Australian Curriculum Review.
Watch the video

National Report on Schooling in Australia 2019 released
The National Report on Schooling in Australia for 2019 has been released along with new data views showing, for the first time, longer-term trends and new presentations of data.
The report includes a summary of nationally agreed policy initiatives and a report on national key performance measures.
Read more

NAPLAN successfully took place across Australia from 11 May 2021.
In total:
- Nearly 900,000 students completed almost three million online NAPLAN tests across 6,355 schools.
- Approximately 70 per cent of the schools took part in NAPLAN Online as part of the transition to NAPLAN going fully online in 2022.
Read what ACARA CEO David de Carvalho had to say about why the COVID-19 pandemic makes this year’s data so important.