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Data standards manual - Student background characteristics - 2022 edition
-educational background – education indicator. Question module For the collection of data on 'Parental non, for non-profit education purposes. Address enquiries regarding copyright to: [email protected], ..............15 2.4 Technical specifications – Parental school education ............................................18 2.5 Technical specifications – Parental non-school education, , the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills
De-identified Student Level Data Dictionary 2021
=Male, 2=Female, 3=Other, 9=Not stated/Inadequately Described Indigenous Status 0=Neither Aboriginal, English: Y=Yes, N=No, 9=Not Stated/Unknown Mother's School Education 0=Not Stated/Unknown, 1=Year 9, Mother's Non-School Education 0=Not Stated/Unknown, 5=Certificate I to IV (including trade certificate), 6=Advanced diploma/Diploma, 7=Bachelor degree or above, 8=No non-school education Mother's, Education 0=Not Stated/Unknown, 1=Year 9 or equivalent or below, 2=Year 10 or equivalent, 3=Year 11
Key Performance Measures for Schooling in Australia
also be selected for individual states or territories or for particular demographics e.g. Indigenous, (Indigenous school students compared to non-Indigenous school students). From 2019, Key Performance Measure 1(e) is defined as: Apparent retention rate from Year 10 to Year 12. Indigenous and non-Indigenous apparent retention rates continue to be reported as a disaggregation of the KPM. KPM 1(g), 1(h), 1(i), 7(a), 7(b): Annual measures for these KPMs use data from the ABS Survey of Education
10. This is consistent with previous testing cycles. • Indigeneity: The gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students attaining the proficient standard remained large in 2022 with a difference, occupation and education: ICT literacy achievement gradually increased with increasing levels of parental occupation and parental education resulting in large, significant differences between the highest and the lowest occupational and educational groups. Key findings from the Year 6 and Year 10
Participation in education and work
Participation in education and work, Email Page Participation in education and work Read about Participation in education, training and work Excel download, . In Australia in 2023: The proportion of 15–19-year-olds who were fully engaged in education, of 20–24-year-olds who were fully engaged in education, training or work increased to 77.4% – up, –24-year-olds who had left school and were fully engaged in education, training or work increased to 75.4
Student Deidentified NAPLAN Data Dictionary 2022
/Inadequately Described INDIGENOUS_STATUS Num 8 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status 0, _EDUCATION Num 8 Parent 1 School Education 0=Not Stated/Unknown, 1=Year 9 or equivalent or below, 2=Year 10 or equivalent, 3=Year 11 or equivalent, 4=Year 12 or equivalent PARENT1_NON_SCHOOL_EDUCATION Num 8 Parent 1 Non-School Education 0=Not Stated/Unknown, 5=Certificate I to IV (including trade certificate), 6=Advanced diploma/Diploma, 7=Bachelor degree or above, 8=No non-school education
De-Identified Student Level Dataset Data Dictionary 2023
/Inadequately Described INDIGENOUS_STATUS Num 8 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status 0=Neither, for Language Background Other Than English: Y=Yes, N=No, 9=Not Stated/Unknown PARENT1_SCHOOL_EDUCATION Num 8 Parent 1 School Education 0=Not Stated/Unknown, 1=Year 9 or equivalent or below, 2=Year 10 or equivalent, 3=Year 11 or equivalent, 4=Year 12 or equivalent PARENT1_NON_SCHOOL_EDUCATION Num 8 Parent 1 Non-School Education 0=Not Stated/Unknown, 5=Certificate I to IV (including trade certificate), 6
Participation in Vocational Education and Training (VET), including secondary students
Participation in Vocational Education and Training (VET), including secondary students, Email Page Participation in Vocational Education and Training (VET), including secondary students Read about Vocational Education, : Participation in Vocational Education Training (VET) has returned to pre-COVID levels, in Vocational Education and Training? Data on participation in VET provides insights into changes, required to collect and report full Australian Vocational Education and Training Management
Christian Schools National Policy Forum workshop address
repudiation of recognition of our Indigenous heritage, no answer lies in the repudiation of our British, happier mood. 2 OFFICIAL Why do I relate this story? Well, on 4 February this year, Education, Australian Curriculum (version 9) not only has new material focusing on Indigenous histories, Of course, the issue of how Christianity engages with culture, especially through educational, as a teacher in a Catholic school and in subsequent role as CEO of the National Catholic Education Commission
in the Australian education system 14 July 2023 The House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training adopted an inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system on 24 May 2023 following a referral from the Minister for Education, the Hon Jason Clare MP, education system. This submission has a focus on the following considerations as part of the Terms, , students, educators and systems, and the ways in which they can be used to improve education