Our governance

ACARA was established under the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority Act (Cth) on 8 December 2008. 

We are an independent statutory authority. Our work is directed by education ministers.

The Education Ministers Meeting forum replaces the former Council of Australian Government (COAG)  Education Council.  It is chaired by the Commonwealth Minister for Education and Youth and is attended by Australian, State and Territory government ministers responsible for Education.  

Our charter sets out the high-level priorities for ACARA determined at Education Ministers Meetings. 

ACARA is governed by the Board Chair, Deputy Chair and ACARA Board representatives from each state/territory. Appointments to the Board are approved by the federal minister for Education.  

The ACARA Board has established an Audit, Risk and Finance Committee to provide independent advice, assurance and assistance to the Board on ACARA’s risk, control and compliance framework, and its external financial statement responsibilities. The main functions of the committee are to assist ACARA in meeting its obligations under the PGPA Act 2013 and the ACARA Act 2008, and provide a forum for communication between the Board, senior management and the external and internal auditors.  

Our work is supported by a number of advisory groups.